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How Do You Get Waterfall in Pokemon Black 2

Pokémon: Best HM Mules In Each Generation

The first six generations of Pokémon games required different Pokémon to carry HM moves in order to progress, and some could use more than others.

There was a time when HMs were the bane of Pokémon fans around the globe, but there were certain Pokémon that acted as HM mules, to save the player time. Pokémon can learn moves by leveling up, but there are some moves that require the aid of higher education.

It's possible to teach Pokémon new moves with the aid of Hidden Machines and Technical Machines. The main difference between the two is that HM moves were used to progress (or make it easier to progress) in the game world, while TM moves were mostly reserved for battle. The problem with Hidden Machine moves is that they took up precious slots that could be used for powerful attacks or useful buffs.

One way in which players used to mitigate the messing around with HM moves was finding a Pokémon that could learn many of them at once, and only use them when traveling the overworld. HM move functionality was finally phased out inPokémon Sun & Moon,but there were still six generations of games where players used a HM mule (preferably one caught near the start of the game) to carry moves like Cut, Strength, and Surf, so that more important party members didn't need to.

HM Mules In Pokémon Red & Blue

The best HM mule in the first generation of Pokémon video games was Krabby/Kingler, as it could learn Cut, Strength, and Surf at the same time. The player can catch a Krabby as soon as they acquire the Super Rod from the Fishing Guru on Route 12. They can then catch a Krabby on Route  6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 24, and 25, as well as Cerulean City, Vermilion City, Fuchsia City, and the Safari Zone. There is technically a better HM mule, as Dragonite can learn all of the same moves as Kingler, as well as Fly, but it's such a late-game Pokémon that it's useless in this role, unless the player is willing to grind and use a rare and powerful Pokémon for a menial task.

HM Mules In Pokémon Gold & Silver

Pokémon Gold & Silverintroduced more HMs, some of which were only used a handful of times. Krabby/Kingler are the best HM mules for use throughout the game, as this time, Krabby can be caught with the Old Rod in locations like Route 40. Like inPokémon Red & Blue,Krabby can learn Cut, Strength, and Surf. It can also learn Rock Smash, which is still a TM in this generation, but it's very useful.

The player will eventually need to use a Pokémon that has Surf, Waterfall, and Whirlpool. There are lots of options available for this, but the game hands the player one, in the form of the Red Gyarados, assuming the player isn't keeping them as a regular team member.

HM Mules In Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire

The HM line-up was changed inPokémon Ruby & Sapphire,as Rock Smash was promoted to HM, while Whirpool was replaced with Dive. The game hands the player an incredible HM mule near the start of the story, as there are Zigzagoon to catch in most early routes throughout the Hoenn region. Zigzagzoon evolves into Linoone, which can learn Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, and Surf. For the Water-type HMs, the player can catch a Goldeen on Route 102 with an Old Rod and evolve it into a Seaking, which can use Surf, Waterfall, and Dive.

HM Mules In Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen

The player returned to Kanto inPokémon FireRed & LeafGreen, but the Krabby line was taking a vacation in this generation. The best HM mules are Nidoking and Nidoqueen, which can evolve from their respective previous Pokémon by using a Moon Stone. Nidoking and Nidoqueen have access to more HM moves in Gen III, as they can use Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, and Surf.

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl

The HM lineup was changed once more inPokémon Diamond & Pearl,as Defog was added (and barely used), while Rock Climb was added as HM 08. The Sinnoh region pulls a similar trick to the Hoenn region, asPokémon Diamond & Pearlprovide the player with a great HM mule at the start of the game. The player can catch a Bidoof on nearly every route at the start of the game. Bidoof evolves into Bibarel, which can use Cut, Rock Climb, Rock Smash, and Surf. For the Water-type HMs, a Buizel can be caught on Route 5. This can evolve into Floatzel at level 26, and it can learn Surf, Rock Smash, Strength, Waterfall.

Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver

The age of Krabby/Kingler is well and truly over, as the return to the Johto region sees Nidoking/Nidoqueen return as the best HM mules. Their base forms can be caught in Route 35 and 36, while the Moon Stone can be found in the Ruins of Alph or held by wild Clefairy. Nidoking and Nidoqueen can learn Cut, Rock Climb, Strength, and Surf. The Red Gyarados returns as the perfect HM mule for the Water-type HMs that are needed later on in the game.

Pokémon Black & White

The number of HMs was reduced to six in the Unova region, but it became harder to find good HM mules early on, due to the fishing rods being combined into one item and saved for the late game. Luckily, HMs weren't used nearly as often for mandatory story progression. InPokémon Black & White,the Oshawatt line can evolve into Samurott, which can learn Cut, Strength, Surf, or Dive/Waterfall. The player can also catch a Panpour in Pinwheel Forest, which can evolve into Simipour, and that can learn Surf, Waterfall, and Dive.

Pokémon Black 2 & White 2

Pokémon Black 2 & White 2made things a lot easier for players, as they could catch a Psyduck at the Flocessy Ranch. This could evolve into Golduck, which could learn Surf, Strength, Waterfall, and Dive.

Pokémon X & Y

The Kalos region dropped the number of HMs to five, bringing down to a core group of Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, and Waterfall. Rock Smash was reduced to being a TM again, but it was still useful. It was possible to find an amazing HM mule at the start ofPokémon X & Y,as Pancham could be found on Route 5. Pancham (and its evolution) could use Cut, Rock Smash, Surf, and Strength.

Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

The might of the Zigzagoon line returned when players went back to the Hoenn region, as Linoon is still the best HM mule of the region. Linoone can learn Cut, Rock Smash, Surf, and Strength. The player can also catch a Goldeen on Route 102 with an Old Rod, which can be evolved onto a Seaking. An HM mule Seaking can learn Surf, Dive, and Waterfall.

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About The Author

Scott Baird (2159 Articles Published)

Scott has been writing for Screen Rant since 2016 and regularly contributes to The Gamer. He has previously written articles and video scripts for websites like Cracked, Dorkly, Topless Robot, and TopTenz. A graduate of Edge Hill University in the UK, Scott started out as a film student before moving into journalism. It turned out that wasting a childhood playing video games, reading comic books, and watching movies could be used for finding employment, regardless of what any career advisor might tell you. Scott specializes in gaming and has loved the medium since the early '90s when his first console was a ZX Spectrum that used to take 40 minutes to load a game from a tape cassette player to a black and white TV set. Scott now writes game reviews for Screen Rant and The Gamer, as well as news reports, opinion pieces, and game guides. He can be contacted on LinkedIn.

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How Do You Get Waterfall in Pokemon Black 2
