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Make a Character Out of Favorite Characters Art Meme

Meme Oshino (忍野 メメ, Oshino Meme) is a middle-aged human being who works equally a nomadic oddity specialist who collects data, reinforces balance, and helps resolve cases.

Early in the serial, he lives with Shinobu Oshino in Eikou Cram School. He helped Koyomi Araragi to render to normal later on existence bitten by a vampire, and becomes his informant when it comes to oddities for some time.

For most of the series, he's missing after leaving boondocks seemingly unannounced.


  • i Advent
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Background
  • four Plot
    • Koyomi Vamp
    • 4.2 Koyomi Stone
    • 4.three Tsubasa Family unit
    • 4.iv Hitagi Crab
    • iv.v Koyomi Flower
    • four.half-dozen Mayoi Snail
    • Suruga Monkey
    • 4.viii Nadeko Snake
    • 4.9 Tsubasa Cat
    • iv.10 Mayoi Jiangshi
    • 4.11 Tsubasa Sleeping
    • iv.12 Ougi Dark
  • 5 Catchphrases / Running Gags
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Appears In
    • 7.ane Main Series
    • seven.2 Manga
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Navigation


Meme is a man with a lanky physique, brusk pilus dyed blond and yellow eyes. He keeps his hair in an unruly manner (although he sweeps it dorsum when he performs Shinto ceremonies) and has a pair of sideburns and a goatee. His outfit consists of a pink aloha shirt left unbuttoned, a pair of dark-colored cargo shorts and black sandals that resemble the Japanese geta. Meme's notable accessories include an earring on his right ear and a necklace, both having an inverted cross on them.

Meme's overall looks give off an eccentric feel to people he interacts with, and even Koyomi calls him a "psychedelic aloha guy" considering of this.

Meme is often seen with a cigarette in his rima oris, although information technology is never lit.


Meme'due south personality is quite laid-back and can be somewhat eccentric. Along with his unusual fashion sense, his current residence gives off the feeling that he is not a normal guy like about people.

As someone who is involved with the paranormal, he prefers to keep himself from direct meddling with affairs involving oddities, though he has the strength to practise so if need be. He mostly prefers to help out, but only if the person themselves is willing to exert attempt towards returning to normal. Notwithstanding, putting aside his fiscal priorities, he can be well-trusted in supernatural affairs, with his knowledge that is useful in handling cases related to oddities.


Oshino is a graduate of Shinto studies in college, although he never pursued the career of being a Shinto priest. During his time in college, he was function of the Occult Inquiry Club with Yozuru Kagenui, Deishuu Kaiki, Tadatsuru Teori, and Izuko Gaen and contributed to the creation of Yotsugi Ononoki.


Koyomi Vamp

This section contains content from Kizumonogatari.
Oshino finds Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Bract while in Nippon and decides to steal her eye without her knowing.

Kizu meme.png

In his first advent, he saves Koyomi Araragi from the iii vampire hunters that were virtually to attack him. He leads him back to Eikou Cram School where he hides him and Kiss shot from the hunters. He explains his role as a "balancer" who stays neutral in these kinds of situations. He explains he'll help a bit, but for the price of ii,000,000 yen. Koyomi agrees, and Oshino negotiates with the hunters to arrange 1 on 1 duels for the stolen body parts they took from Osculation shot.

During each battle, he watches from afar. He calmly intervenes during the 2d fight to continue Koyomi from choking Episode to death, explaining he'd lose his humanity if he went any further. After exploding at Oshino for not warning Hanekawa to avoid getting injure when he could have, he gives Koyomi some other hint in order to save her, while raising the toll to 3,000,000 yen.

Afterwards, he feels genuinely bad later on finding that Guillotine Cutter kidnapped Hanekawa, something he wasn't counting on happening, and gives him more than advice in order to save her. After, while delivering the Kiss shot's arms, he also gives him her heart in which he had been secretly keeping. He planned on having Koyomi need to fight him for it, but decides to driblet all his debt and just give him it for gratis equally amende for what happened to Hanekawa. In addition, he explains caution when in comes to Hanekawa, foreshadowing problems to come in the futurity.

During Koyomi's battle with Buss shot, he arrives to explicate a compromise he can do in order to brand everyone equally miserable, which involves hurting Kiss shot to the brink of expiry, and so that Koyomi can be every bit human every bit possible, while Osculation shot looses most of her power and reverts to the form of an eight year old girl.

Koyomi Rock

This department contains content from Koyomimonogatari.

Tsubasa Family

This section contains content from Nekomonogatari.

Hitagi Crab

This section contains content from Bakemonogatari.
Meme receives a visit from Koyomi, one of his nigh successful clients, and he listens as Hitagi Senjougahara, who came alongside Koyomi, asks for his assist regarding her condition and her run across with a "heavy stone crab". Although reluctant at first to have the chore, Meme decides to help out Hitagi, at the price of 100,000 yen. After Hitagi prepared the necessary amount, Meme asks Hitagi to ready her body for the ritual to exist performed. Hitagi promptly followed his instructions, and at that night, puts on a alter of clothes and heads to Meme's place, where Meme had prepared a room for the ritual to take place there.

He applied his knowledge of Shinto to effort and communicate with the crab that took away Hitagi'due south weight and memories, with the intent of politely requesting the crab'due south cooperation through a special ceremony. The anniversary started smoothly as Hitagi rapidly calmed herself as part of the ceremony, simply it almost turned for the worst when the god that was involved with Hitagi'south case becomes unpredictable, and Meme is forced to subdue the crab himself with a judo throw. Meme planned to use strength on the oddity, but Hitagi herself requested to let her effort to pray to the crab personally. The crab soon released its grasp on Hitagi.

Koyomi Flower

This section contains content from Koyomimonogatari.

Mayoi Snail

This section contains content from Bakemonogatari.
Araragi meets a immature daughter named Mayoi Hachikuji and decides to assistance her get to her home. Even so, he and Hitagi (who joined him earlier) discover that they go lost trying to follow the address where Mayoi's home is.

Afterwards returning to the park, Hitagi decides to ask Meme about Mayoi. According to him, they encountered a lost cow, which causes people who have no intentions of going back to their house to become lost in their journey home. With some exclamation from Hitagi, Meme devises a way to counter the lost moo-cow's influence over Araragi, which involves using new roads to confuse the lost cow, and he manages to pb Mayoi to where her firm stood years ago.

Suruga Monkey

Following the attack that almost killed him, Koyomi and Hitagi's centre schoolhouse friend Suruga Kanbaru visit Meme to consult nearly her condition.

On their visit, Meme reveals that they are really tackling a case about the Rainy Devil, a creature that attacks people in fulfillment of a sure person'due south wish, and the "monkey's hand" on Suruga'southward left arm is actually the Rainy Devil'south arm. He also points out that Suruga is partly responsible for the attacks, as the devil's arm was acting upon her deepest emotions (e.g. jealousy towards Araragi for talking with Hitagi).

Meme considers lopping off her arm to terminate the devil's arm from claiming her soul upon fulfilling her wishes, but Araragì chose to challenge one of Kanbaru's wishes — for Araragi to die — and Meme helps Araragi to set up for the ordeal, including letting Shinobu share her claret with him. While Araragi endures being ripped apart past the Rainy Devil, Meme decides to inform Hitagi regarding Koyomi's conclusion, and Hitagi'due south presence was able to interrupt the fight between Kanbaru and Araragi. The Rainy Devil'south contract with Suruga is dissolved by newly formed conflicts with Suruga's wishes, merely her arm remains the aforementioned as before.

Nadeko Ophidian

Meme assists Araragi again with another supernatural outcome, this fourth dimension alert Araragi that he tin can't always rely on him forever.

Tsubasa Cat

After warning Araragi that he could leave anytime soon without a proper farewell, Meme leaves town without much alert, leaving his whereabouts to become unknown for quite some fourth dimension.

Mayoi Jiangshi

This section contains content from Kabukimonogatari.

Tsubasa Sleeping

This section contains content from Wazamonogatari.

Ougi Dark

This section contains content from Owarimonogatari.
During the climax of the arc, Meme Oshino, retrieved by Hanekawa from Antarctica, congratulates Araragi for fighting for his own sake (by Koyomi saving Ougi Oshino, who was an extension of Araragi). He dispels the Darkness by chiding Koyomi for pushing downwards his "niece", therefore acknowledging Ougi as a relative and signifying Ougi's existence.

Catchphrases / Running Gags

  • "Y'all await so lively. Did something adept happen?"
  • "I'one thousand non going to save y'all, just lending a hand. Only you can save yourself."


  • Meme's last name ways "hidden plains."
  • Kagenui says he has been wearing aloha shirts since his days in higher.
  • Meme is known to fume cigarettes, but he is never seen lighting them in the novels or anime adaptations. He explains in Kizumonogatari that he doesn't bother lighting them since the smoke could exist troubling to animate in the anime accommodation. In the Bakemonogatari manga, however, this rule is broken, and he is seen really smoking them regularly.

Appears In

Main Series

  • Bakemonogatari
  • Kizumonogatari
  • Nekomonogatari
  • Kabukimonogatari
  • Koyomimonogatari
  • Owarimonogatari
  • Wazamonogatari
  • Nademonogatari


  • Bakemonogatari (manga)




Characters of the Monogatari Series

Araragi Family Koyomi Araragi • Karen Araragi • Tsukihi Araragi • Araragi Matriarch
Heroines Hitagi Senjougahara • Mayoi Hachikuji • Suruga Kanbaru • Nadeko Sengoku • Tsubasa Hanekawa/Black Hanekawa • Shinobu Oshino • Sodachi Oikura • Ougi Oshino
Oddity Specialists Meme Oshino • Deishuu Kaiki • Yozuru Kagenui • Yotsugi Ononoki • Izuko Gaen • Tadatsuru Teori • Seishirou Shishirui
Hearsay Police Section Zenka Suo • Nozomi Kizashima • Mitome Saisaki • Tsuzura Kouga
Vampire Hunters Dramaturgy • Episode • Guillotine Cutter
Other Characters Hitagi's Begetter • Hitagi'southward Female parent • Tsunade • Mayoi's Father • Tooe Gaen • Suruga's Father • Suruga'south Grandmother • Nadeko's Parents • Tsubasa's Parents • Mizudori • Rousokuzawa • Seiu Higasa • Rouka Numachi • Sasayabu • Komichi Tetsujou • Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide-Master • Tropicalesque Dwelling-A-Wave Domestic dog-Strings
