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How to Tell if a Bird Is Male or Female

In most cases the differences between males and females cannot be seen at first glance. The only possible way to distinguish them is through analysis or by consulting an expert.

However, in certain species of parrots and parakeets the differences between males and females are much more obvious. If you continue reading this article we will talk about some species with clear differences between male and female parrots.


In the parakeets that we all know, sexual dimorphism is seen in the waxy, that is, the nose. In parrots, the nose is in a fleshy area from where the beak comes out.

The waxy of the males is dark blue. In case the male is innocent, his waxy is pink or lilac. Female waxy is usually light blue in color, turning brown when they go into heat. When the parakeets are very young, they show a whitish waxy color.

There is an Australian species, the splendid parakeet, that does show a clear sign of sexual dimorphism: females lack the scarlet stripe that males show on their chest.


In ecletus parrots the difference between males and females is very evident. In males there are very intense green tones, and their beaks are orange or yellowish. Instead, the females have a beautiful mix of colors that vary between red and blue, and their beak is dark, almost black.


In the case of nymphs it is also possible to find sexual dimorphism. This is the case of the ancestral, the pearly and the white-faced.

The most notable difference between males and females is that females, under their tails, show dark spots in the form of stripes, while males have this area of ​​a uniform color. More specifically, they show the following characteristics:

In ancestral nymphs, differences in colors are observed between females and males. Females tend to have softer facial colors, in shades of yellow and facial blush. Males show more intensity of color in these areas of the face.

In the case of pearl nymphs, it is known that if after molting they retain the pearls on their wings, they are female. The males, after molting, lose these characteristic patterns of their species.
In white-faced nymphs, males have a kind of white facial mask, while in females it is grayish, or white but smaller than in the case of males.

Other methods of differentiation between male and female parrots

Most species of parrots do not show a clear sexual dimorphism, except those that we have discussed previously. That is why it can be a difficult task to differentiate them, and much less if we are not used to the particular species. That is why many people turn to professionals to find out the sex of their pet.

By palpation and physical examination we can identify the male to develop, since he has a lump in the pelvic area, whereas the females have the smoothest area.

Another of the tests that are usually done to differentiate male from female parrots is DNA, but this type of practice is somewhat expensive.

On the other hand, waiting for the egg laying will clearly reveal if the parrot is female. Finally, many hobbyists make references to sex differences depending on the character, but this is not a very reliable data, since the character of parrots can be very variable.

How to Tell if a Bird Is Male or Female
